Check out the latest news about Winext in the media.

  • “Conheça os segredos por trás das melhores cartas de vinho” - por Daniela Caravaggi na CNN Brasil  - 09/2024

    "Discover the secrets behind the best wine lists" - by Daniela Caravaggi on CNN Brasil - 09/2024

    As the number of wine enthusiasts grows, establishments need to adjust their offerings to cater to an increasingly discerning audience. Winext’s collaboration includes an analysis of the evolution of the Brazilian market.

  • “Como serão os brindes em 2024” por Suzana Barelli - 01/2024

    "How to Toast in 2024" by Suzana Barelli - 01/2024

    Rodrigo Lanari participates in a report for Paladar Estadão, highlighting the main trends in the wine market for 2024.

  • Entrevista com Rodrigo Lanari para a Única Revista Digital de Vinhos - 04/2023

    Interview with Rodrigo Lanari for Única Digital Wine Magazine - 04/2023

    Rodrigo Lanari shares his journey in the world of wine with Revista Única.

  • "Entenda como a inteligência artificial pode ser aplicada aos vinhos" por Rodrigo Lanari para Revista Exame Casual - 08/2023

    "Understand how artificial intelligence can be applied to wines" by Rodrigo Lanari for Exame Casual Magazine - 08/2023

    An article by Rodrigo Lanari for Exame Casual on the impact of Artificial Intelligence in the world of wine.

  • “Brazil's Wine Drinking Population Expands” – por Rodrigo Lanari na revista Global Drinks Intel. – 03/2021

    “Brazil's Wine Drinking Population Expands” – por Rodrigo Lanari na revista Global Drinks Intel. – 03/2021

    In an article for Global Drinks Intel., Rodrigo Lanari discusses the expansion of the regular wine consumer base in Brazil over the past decade and who exactly these new drinkers are.

  • “2020: um ano fora da curva (e dos vinhos)” – por Rodrigo Lanari na Revista Exame – 14/12/2020

    "2020: A Year Out of the Ordinary (and the Wines)" – by Rodrigo Lanari in Exame Magazine – 14/12/2020

    Rodrigo Lanari analyzes the key findings from the Brazil Wine Landscapes 2021 report by Wine Intelligence, on the Brazilian wine market in a year marked by the Coronavirus pandemic.

  • “O vinho chega à bolsa”, por Luciana Lancelotti na Revista IstoÉ Dinheiro – 04/11/2020

    "The Wine Arrives at the Stock Exchange," by Luciana Lancelotti in IstoÉ Dinheiro Magazine – 04/11/2020

    In an interview with IstoÉ Dinheiro, Rodrigo Lanari talks about the behavior of wine consumers in Brazil.

  • “Campanha Gaúcha: vinhos nacionais de qualidade da fronteira do Brasil”, por Beto Gerosa no IG – 21/08/2020

    “"Campanha Gaúcha: Quality Brazilian Wines from the Border of Brazil," by Beto Gerosa on IG – 21/08/2020.

    An article published on the Blog do Vinho by Beto Gerosa highlights the promotion of the new IP of Campanha Gaúcha, coordinated and executed by Winext.

  • “E-commerce e o vinho”, no site da ProWine São Paulo – 31/07/2020

    "E-commerce and Wine," on the ProWine São Paulo website – 31/07/2020

    In an interview for the ProWine São Paulo website, Rodrigo Lanari discussed the changing behavior of regular wine consumers and the growing role of e-commerce in the sector since the beginning of the quarantine.

  • “Aproveite a Black Friday do vinho, que vai até dia 26” – por Tânia Nogueira na Revista Exame – 20/07/2020

    "Take Advantage of the Wine Black Friday, Which Goes Until the 26th" – by Tânia Nogueira in Exame Magazine – 20/07/2020.

    In an interview for Exame Magazine, Rodrigo Lanari highlights the increase in wine consumption frequency in Brazil during the pandemic, based on a study by Wine Intelligence.

  • “Nova procedência, novos mercados”, por Celso Masson na Revista IstoÉ Dinheiro – 17/07/2020

    "New Origin, New Markets," by Celso Masson in IstoÉ Dinheiro Magazine – 17/07/2020.

    A report published on the website and in the print edition of IstoÉ Dinheiro highlights the launch of the new Indicação de Procedência for Campanha Gaúcha, coordinated and executed by Winext for the Associação Vinhos da Campanha Gaúcha.

  • “Brazil: Braver New World”, entrevista por Robert Joseph e Polly Hammond no The Real Business of Wine – 17/05/2020

    “Brazil: Braver New World”, interview with Robert Joseph and Polly Hammond at The Real Business of Wine – 17/05/2020

    In a live interview for The Real Business of Wine channel, Rodrigo Lanari discussed the main trends in the Brazilian wine market and the impacts of the pandemic, addressing an international audience of industry professionals.

  • “Vinho bom é vinho caro? Especialistas discordam e dão dicas para a escolha”, por Matheus Oliveira na Revista Exame – 30/04/2020

    "Is Good Wine Expensive? Experts Disagree and Give Tips for Choosing," by Matheus Oliveira in Exame Magazine – 30/04/2020

    In an interview for Exame Magazine, Rodrigo Lanari discusses good value wines and argues that quality labels can be affordable.

  • “Challenging times for wine in Brazil” – 30/04/2020

    “Challenging times for wine in Brazil” – 30/04/2020

    In an article for Wine Intelligence, Rodrigo Lanari analyzes the data presented in the Brazil Wine Landscapes 2020 report, focusing on the Brazilian wine market and the impacts of social distancing caused by COVID-19.

  • “Dê uma chance para os vinhos brancos”, por Suzana Barelli no jornal O Estado de São Paulo – 07/02/2020

    “"Give white wines a chance," by Suzana Barelli in O Estado de São Paulo newspaper – 07/02/2020

    Column by Suzana Barelli, in the Sextou! section of O Estado de S. Paulo newspaper and on the Paladar Estadão website, highlights the trend of the revival of light white wine styles, identified by research from Wine Intelligence.

  • “Wine in Brazil at the start of 2020”, por Jorge Lucki no jornal Valor Econômico – 07/02/2020

    "Wine in Brazil at the start of 2020," by Jorge Lucki in Valor Econômico newspaper – 07/02/2020

    Jorge Lucki’s column in Valor Econômico newspaper discusses trends for the Brazilian wine market in 2020 and data from Wine Intelligence.

  • “Riding the Brazilian wave”, por Rodrigo Lanari na revista WineIQ – 07/2019

    “Riding the Brazilian wave”, by Rodrigo Lanari at WineIQ magazine – 07/2019

    In an article for WineIQ magazine, a publication of Wine Intelligence, Rodrigo Lanari analyzes the recovery of the Brazilian economy and the opportunities arising from the growth of the wine consumer base.

  • “Instagram e vinho harmonizam?”, por Rodrigo Lanari no portal do SEBRAE – 24/07/2019

    "Instagram and Wine: Do They Harmonize?" by Rodrigo Lanari on the SEBRAE portal – 24/07/2019

    Blog article by Winext published on the SEBRAE portal, in a section dedicated to viticulture entrepreneurs and business owners.

  • “Tendencias Globales y Oportunidades Brasil”, entrevista de vídeo com Rodrigo Lanari – 05/2019

    “Global Trends and Opportunities in Brazil”, interview with Rodrigo Lanari – 05/2019

    ideo testimonial by Rodrigo Lanari during the Vinos y Negocios event in Buenos Aires for the launch of the Brazil Landscapes 2019 report.

  • Didu Russo entrevista Rodrigo Lanari no programa Wine Actors, da Chef TV – 03/04/2019

    Didu Russo interviews Rodrigo Lanari at Wine Actors, from Chef TV – 03/04/2019

    Rodrigo Lanari talks with Didu Russo about the findings from Wine Intelligence regarding the Brazilian wine market, as published in the Brazil Landscapes 2019 report.

  • Por que bebemos tão pouco vinho”, por Tânia Nogueira na revista Exame – 14/03/2019

    "Why do we drink so little wine?" by Tânia Nogueira in Exame magazine – 03/14/2019.

    Exame report on the challenge of popularizing wine in Brazil highlights the growth of the base of regular wine consumers, according to data from Wine Intelligence.

  • “Cerveja e vinho se aproximam e disputa aumenta”, por Cibelle Bouças no jornal Valor Econômico – 11/02/2019

    "Beer and wine are coming closer, and competition increases," by Cibelle Bouças in Valor Econômico newspaper – 11/02/2019

    Cibelle Bouças interviews Rodrigo Lanari for a report on the market competition between wine and beer, in Valor Econômico newspaper.

  • “Entrevista: Rodrigo Lanari – Mercado de vinhos brasileiro”, por Johnny Mazzilli no Clube Paladar, do Estadão – 06/12/2018

    "Interview: Rodrigo Lanari – Brazilian Wine Market," by Johnny Mazzilli in Clube Paladar, Estadão – 06/12/2018.

    Rodrigo Lanari speaks to Clube Paladar magazine, from Estadão, about his career, market intelligence, strategy and brand positioning, and the challenges of wine in Brazil.

  • “Natural wines in Brazil”, by Suzana Barelli at WineIQ magazine – Q2/2018

    “Natural wines in Brazil”, by Suzana Barelli at WineIQ magazine – Q2/2018

    Suzana Barelli discusses the rise of natural wines in the Brazilian market in Wine IQ magazine, a quarterly publication of Wine Intelligence.

  • “Um brinde ao digital”, por Rafael Kato na revista Exame – 12/04/2018

    "A toast to digital," by Rafael Kato in Exame magazine – 12/04/2018.

    In a report for Exame magazine, Rodrigo Lanari discusses the performance of the wine e-commerce sector in Brazil based on studies from Wine Intelligence.

  • “Behind the scenes”, entrevista com Rodrigo Lanari na revista WineIQ – Q3/2018

    “Behind the scenes”, interview with Rodrigo Lanari for WineIQ magazine – Q3/2018

    In an interview with WineIQ magazine, from Wine Intelligence, Rodrigo Lanari discusses his career, projects, and trends in the Brazilian wine market.

  • “Uncorking Brazil”, by Rodrigo Lanari for Nelson Grape & Wine magazine - summer/2016-2017

    “Uncorking Brazil”, by Rodrigo Lanari for Nelson Grape & Wine magazine - summer/2016-2017

    Rodrigo Lanari analyzes opportunities in the Brazilian wine market in an article for Nelson Grape & Wine magazine, a publication from one of New Zealand's leading winegrower associations, the Nelson Winegrowers Association.

  • “Além da Carménère”, por Marcel Miwa na revista Prazeres da Mesa – edição 156/2016

    "Beyond Carménère," by Marcel Miwa in Prazeres da Mesa magazine – issue 156/2016

    Rodrigo Lanari's participation in the tasting of Viña Carmen Gold Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon, promoted by Prazeres da Mesa magazine and featured in Marcel Miwa's column.